Space Station 3D Prints Metal Parts for the First Time

The International Space Station has just made history by 3D printing metal parts in space for the very first time.

Imagine an astronaut needing a new part on a mission to the moon and being able to print it right there mid-flight. This could be a total game changer for long space missions.

The European Space Agency (ESA) ran into quite a few challenges when trying to make this possible. Yet they managed to pull it off, thanks to their specially designed Metal 3D Printer, which melts stainless steel at 2,192°F and builds each part one layer at a time.

The very first metal part was successfully printed in August, and now the parts will go through quality testing back here on Earth.

This achievement really highlights how fast 3D printing technology is developing. What was once a futuristic concept is now being used in reality by scientists in space.

It could mean big things for businesses and change the manufacturing industry forever. If custom parts can be printed on demand, there could be less need to hold onto lots of stock. And without bulk buying, shipping costs could drop too.

Can you think of some innovative tech that could help your business?

Scientists print 3D metal parts in space for the first time — a key ability for long-distance long-duration missions | Tom’s Hardware (