Medical & Dental Support
We have a better perspective.
We are not a “one size fits all” solutions provider. Your needs are as individual as you are. Our expertise and affordability makes our support services the obvious choice for your office.
Our business model is built upon finding the best possible solutions for our clients because no two clients are the same. Most companies offer cookie cutter solutions making it easier for them, not the client. From software to hardware, our solutions meet your exact needs. The final result is the perfect solution implemented with a considerable cost savings.
The shape of your office ... and you.
While there are several software options available for your dental office, you may not be sure which one best fits your needs. We understand this decision is also based on how much you want to be involved with the software. Some of our clients want the software to do it all, some want to be more hands-on and be able to input information manually. Additionally, time spent evaluating the options is time better spent on your patients and the day to day running of your office.
Our familiarity with dental office management and imaging software uniquely enables us to make this decision an easy one. We explore all contingencies and compatibility options. The solutions we provide are based on the specific needs of your office, not on sales commissions or volumes. While you’re focused on your business, we’ll do the work for you so you can make the most informed decision possible.
Consultants of the industry.
News of the overwhelming satisfaction of our clients has reached the desks of software vendors and industry professionals alike. The reason for our success rests on a variety of important factors. Most notably is our ability to bring our experience and up-to-date technology knowledge from other business sectors into the dental office. It’s an ability that sets us apart from any other IT service provider in the dental market today. And it’s just one of many reasons why you should contact us first before purchasing any software designed for dental office management and/or digital X-rays.
Affordability is an option.
The investment in dental office management software by itself can be quite considerable. Add on top of that the cost of
installation, hardware and support and you can easily find yourself with a budget that’s bursting at the seams.
Our vendor partnerships coupled with our technological expertise and detailed attention to the specifics allows us to provide our
services at an on-average savings of 25% or more over our competitors.
Solutions ... not sales.
With the advent of software developments pertaining to the dental services industry, today’s private practice dentist has many options when it comes to making their offices run more easily and efficiently. Unfortunately because of a lack of knowledge, dentists usually find themselves trusting the software sales person for the necessary components to implement the software. No consideration is actually given to what will work best for your office, or recommendations made that will allow for seamless upgrades and expansion in the future. And many times the IT support provided comes with a contractual obligation that can leave you feeling like your hands are tied.
Our business model is built upon finding the best possible solutions for our clients because no two clients are the same. Most companies offer cookie cutter solutions making it easier for them, not the client. From software to hardware, our solutions meet your exact needs. The final result is the perfect solution implemented with a considerable cost savings.
You may never see us.
And that would be for two reasons. First, our research and planning process, along with our expertise in all things IT, practically eliminates the probability of system downtimes or errors. Second, we design our solutions with the ability to solve a predominance of issues via the Internet by remote login from anywhere in the world. Remote access to your system also converts turnaround times from days to minutes.